The boundaries of Kyrgyz Republic span from the West to the East for 900km, from the North to the South for 410 km and are located approximately between 39o and 43o of Northern Latitude covering the space of 199.9 thousand km2. It has its borders in North with Kazakhstan, in West with Uzbekistan, in South-West with Tajikistan and in the South- East with china.

Population: The country estimated count of people is 5 777 570 people by 2014. The natives of Kyrgyz ethnicity add up to 72.6%, approximately Uzbeks are 15% and Russians with a lower of 6.4%. Nearly 100 different nationalities are living in Kyrgyzstan. The urban population of Kyrgyzstan is 33.6% and the rural is 66.4% (as per census record in 2014).

Capital:The capital city of Kyrgyzstan is Bishkek, holds a political, economic, scientific, administrative, historical and cultural centre, a place of location for many government offices, diplomatic missions, representatives of international organization which was founded in 1878. The borders of the city are 127.3km2, with a population of 894.6 thousand people.

Languages:Official languages are Kyrgyz, but many business and political affairs are carried out in Russian.

Kyrgyzstan comprises of 7 provinces and two independent cities.

Chuy, Talas, Issyk-Kul, Naryn, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Batken